How Discounts & Coupons Work

The coupon module in Kleesto provides multiple options to meet your needs.

To create a coupon, go to the Discounts & Coupons menu under Promotions.

There, by clicking on "Create Discount," a four-step wizard will appear.

First step: Define the coupon name, its code, and optionally a description.

The name and description of the coupon are displayed internally.

The code should be relatively simple, without spaces, mixing uppercase and lowercase, and without using many special characters. This will help users avoid errors when using it.

Second step: Define the type of discount.

There are three types of discounts: Percentage / Fixed / Ticket.

Percentage (Percentage Discount)

Selecting this type of discount allows you to define:

  • The discount percentage by typing the number in the Amount (%).
  • The amount that constitutes the limit on the discount by typing the number in the Maximum Discount Amount. For example, if this number is 100, the user of the coupon will not be able to get a discount greater than 100€/$ regardless of the booking amount.
  • The minimum booking amount required to activate the coupon by typing the number in the Minimum Price.
  • The maximum number of redemptions that can be made with this coupon by typing the number in Max Usage.

Fixed (Fixed Amount)

Selecting this type of discount allows you to define:

  • The discount amount by typing the number in the Amount.
  • The minimum booking amount required to activate the coupon by typing the number in the Minimum Price.
  • The maximum number of redemptions that can be made with this coupon by typing the number in Max Usage.

Ticket (Free Ticket based on the cheapest in the current booking)

Selecting this type of discount allows you to define:

  • The number of free tickets the coupon can provide by typing the number in the Amount (Tickets).
  • The minimum number of persons in the booking required to activate the coupon by typing the number in Minimum Persons.
  • The maximum number of redemptions that can be made with this coupon by typing the number in Max Usage.

Third step: Select when and for when

Set the period when the coupon can be activated (Activation Period) and the period for which the coupon applies (Applicable Period). More specifically:

Activation Period:

The period when someone makes the booking. More than one Activation Period can be defined. Click Add Period and fill in the period (Range), activation hours, and days; you have the first Activation Period ready.

For example, if you want the coupon to be available for bookings coming in on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings in June, set the configurations as follows:

  • Range: 1/Jun/2024 - 30/Jun/2024
  • From: 07:00
  • Until: 12:00
  • Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri

You can add multiple Activation Periods. If you don't add any, the system makes the coupon available for activation anytime someone tries to use it.

Applicable Period:

The period within which the booking is intended to be executed.

For example, if you want the coupon to be available for bookings to be executed in the mornings of September, set the configurations as follows:

  • Range: 1/Sep/2024 - 30/Sep/2024
  • From: 07:00
  • Until: 12:00
  • Weekdays: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun


  • The time restriction concerns the start time of the execution.
  • You can add multiple Applicable Periods.
  • If you don't add any periods, the system makes the coupon available for activation whenever the booking is intended to be executed.

The Activation and Applicable Periods can work together.

For example, if you want the coupon to be available for activation for bookings coming in on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and for execution in the mornings of September, you can set the configurations of the two examples above to achieve this.

Fourth step: Select Travel Products

Select which products this coupon can be used for.

You can select a subset of the list or none. If you select none, the system makes the coupon available for all products, while if you select a subset, the coupon becomes available only for those.

After creating the coupon, you can activate/deactivate it, see how many times it has been used, and modify it.

You inform travelers of the coupon code in a manner that suits your company's marketing activities. Indicative examples:

  • Social Media
  • Newsletter
  • Banner on website
  • Leaflets
  • Other

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